How theatres can grow their mailing list

Last updated: 23 June 2023

Email marketing is a crucial component of any theatre’s marketing strategy. It is a great way to keep in touch with existing patrons and promote upcoming shows and events. However, building a robust email list can be a challenge. In this blog post, we will explore some effective ways that theatres can persuade people to join their email mailing list via their website.

Provide an incentive

One of the most effective ways to persuade people to join an email mailing list is to provide them with an incentive. This could be anything from early access to tickets, exclusive discounts, or even a free download or resource. The incentive should be valuable enough to entice visitors to sign up for the email list.

Use a pop-up

Pop-ups can be an effective way to capture the attention of website visitors and encourage them to join the email list. However, it’s essential to use them strategically. Pop-ups should be timed and targeted to appear when visitors are most likely to be engaged with the website content. Additionally, pop-ups should be designed to be visually appealing and easy to dismiss.

Offer exclusive content

Another effective way to persuade people to join an email list is to offer exclusive content. This could be anything from behind-the-scenes access to upcoming shows to interviews with actors and directors. The content should be unique and valuable enough to persuade visitors to sign up for the email list.

Highlight the benefits

When promoting an email mailing list, it’s important to highlight the benefits of signing up. This could include early access to tickets, exclusive discounts, and access to exclusive content. By highlighting the benefits, visitors will be more likely to sign up for the email list.

Make it easy to sign up

To encourage people to sign up for an email list, it’s essential to make the process as easy as possible. The sign-up form should be prominently displayed on the website, and the process should be straightforward. Additionally, it’s important to only ask for essential information to reduce the barrier to entry.

Use social proof

Social proof is a powerful persuasion technique that can be used to encourage people to join an email mailing list. This could include displaying the number of subscribers, testimonials from existing subscribers, or even displaying the logos of other companies or organizations that have partnered with the theatre.

Use targeted messaging

To increase the effectiveness of email marketing, it’s important to segment the email list and use targeted messaging. By tailoring the messaging to specific segments of the email list, theatres can increase the relevance and effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns.

Leverage social media

Social media can be an effective tool for promoting an email mailing list. Theatres can use social media to promote the benefits of joining the email list and provide a direct link to the sign-up form. Additionally, social media can be used to highlight the exclusive content that subscribers will receive.

Use email signatures

Email signatures are a great way to promote an email mailing list. The signature should include a link to the sign-up form and a brief message highlighting the benefits of joining the email list. Additionally, the signature should be visually appealing and easy to read.

Provide value in every email

To keep subscribers engaged and prevent them from unsubscribing, it’s essential to provide value in every email. This could include exclusive content, early access to tickets, or even personalized recommendations based on the subscriber’s interests. By consistently providing value, subscribers will be more likely to stay subscribed and engage with future email marketing campaigns.

In conclusion, building a robust email list is a crucial component of any theatre’s marketing strategy. By providing incentives, highlighting the benefits, and making it easy to sign up, theatres can persuade people to join their email mailing list via their website.