Getting started

A simple guide to getting started with BoxOffice WP.

Plugin installation

Before installing, please ensure your WordPress website is configured to use the “Post Name” Permalink structure.

Option 1: Using the WordPress dashboard

  1. Download the BoxOffice WP plugin ZIP file.
  2. Log in to your WordPress website as an Administrator.
  3. In the left-hand menu, click on “Plugins”.
  4. Under “Plugins”, click the “Add New” sub menu.
  5. Click the “Upload plugin” button.
  6. Select the BoxOffice WP plugin ZIP file and click “Install now”.
  7. After installation, you will find a menu item “BoxOffice WP”, click this to configure the plugin.

Option 2: Using FTP

  1. Download the BoxOffice WP plugin ZIP file.
  2. Upload ‘box-office-wp’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. After installation, you will find a menu item “BoxOffice WP”, click this to configure the plugin.

Page and URL settings

The following pages will get created upon plugin install:

  • Basket
  • Checkout
  • Event Details
  • Event List
  • My Account

You can change the page slugs as you would any other WordPress page, but these need to be kept in sync with the page slugs listed in the plugin settings, “Page and URL settings” tab. You can also change the name of these pages as you would any other WordPress page. The only page name which must be kept in sync with plugin settings is the “Event Details” page name.

Every time you change page slugs and page names, we recommend that you re-save your permalinks (Settings > Permalinks > Save changes), and clear the plugin cached data via the plugin settings, “Diagnostics info” tab.

The “what’s on” section can be managed via the plugin settings. This setting controls the URL structure that will be used for displaying event details pages, e.g. Again, after changing this setting, please re-save permalinks and clear cached data.

Upgrading to BoxOffice WP Pro

Our Pro plugin offers far greater control, purchase a license through

  1. To upgrade from the Free plugin to our Pro version, login to WordPress and navigate to the “”BoxOffice WP”” settings page and the “”Diagnostics”” tab. Add your license key and click “”Save settings””.
  2. ) Go to the the “”Plugins Installed Plugins”” page, you should see a prompt to update the Free plugin, click “”Update now””.
  3. Once updated, refresh the Plugin page and Activate the Pro plugin. That’s it.

If at first this doesn’t work, please return the Diagnostics page and try clicking “”Save settings”” again. “